Working with Tony

Created by Keith 2 years ago

I have many fond memories of Tony’s exploits at work here are just two examples:

We had arranged a series of talks on safety for people working on the highways of Norfolk. A day long course for about 30 people many not used to participating in a training environment. Tony and I had completed our carefully prepared presentations in the morning. About 15 minutes before the start of the afternoon presentation by another presenter a phone call told us it was impossible for them to make it to the venue. Tony looked at me and a terrified me looked at Tony. Thankfully with little discussion, little preparation on the subject as programmed Tony took the afternoon session. He achieved good audience participation and achieved what we set out to do.

Highways Contractors management meetings could be arduous as difficult decisions had to be made. Our Personnel Manager, Tony, decided to end these meetings with a quiz e.g. on the history of rock music. I just wanted the meeting to end and get on with the day. I found that other managers agreed with me on this as we talked with each other after the meeting. We were still talking to each other and agreeing on something even though we may have expressed opposing views on the important issues at the meeting. It took me sometime to realise the purpose of Tony’s quiz was to keep us talking to each other, Tony being good at his job.
